Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Third year!

On the evening of September 26th we will welcome in the third year of the Free Columbia Art Course. Classes will start on Tuesday September 27th with 12 fulltime and approximately 10 part time students as well as many other people participating in evening study, and community lectures. We are very excited that this community supported art course is growing and that our 12 full time students have moved here from many places, (including Hawaii and Belgium), to begin to study with us. If you live locally please welcome them to our area and keep them in mind if you need someone to do part time work for you.

We know that we are surrounded by a very supportive community both near and far away, and this allows us to bring this course into being. If you live locally and are interested in part time study, evening lectures or summer courses, this year we will offer a year long study of the Philosophy of Aesthetics from Goethe’s time to the present on Tuesday evenings, and a study of “Theosophy” by Rudolf Steiner on Thursday evenings. If you are interested in joining either of these studies please contact us.

During the summer courses one of our participants suggested that we ask everyone to consider making a monthly pledge to support Free Columbia and then we could dispense with suggested donations for courses. So with this letter we are asking everyone, students, study group participants, library members and interested observers, to consider this. Monthly support allows us to plan our courses with a realistic relationship to finances but more importantly it makes obvious to us that we are surrounded and carried by a community. This experience makes all the difference in bringing this course into existence. It is possible to have your pledge automatically deducted from your bank account, (form attached) or paid automatically from your credit card or you can send it to us or bring it in if you see us regularly. Which ever option works for you, know that each month we know of your support and it makes the work possible.

Checks can be made out to Hawthorne Valley Association (memo: Free Columbia) and sent to Free Columbia, 651 Harlemville RD, Hillsdale NY 12529

If you prefer to pay via credit card over the internet you can do so by going to Follow the “Donate Now “ button, choose your payment method, provide the information required and last of all click the “Designation” button and scroll down to Free Columbia in order to be sure that your donation reaches us.

If you would like, we are willing to send out a monthly pledge reminder via email.

We are happy to report that we already have 9 people making monthly pledges.

We are trying to create a library for our students. If you have any of the following books that you would like to donate please let us know:
Schiller - Letters upon the Æsthetic Education of Man
On Naïve and Sentimental Poetry
Steiner - Theosophy
Color Lectures
Goethe as a Founder of a New Aesthetic Science
Art as Spiritual Activity
Art in the Light of Mystery Wisdom
The Mission of the Arts
The Renewal of the Social Organism
Volker Harlan & Joseph Beuys –
What is Art?
Gottfried Richter – Art and Human Consciousness

Also, if you have old art supplies that you do not want we would be happy to put them to use.

Thanks to all of you for your interest and support. If you would like to follow our blog you may do so here and yes we can also be seen on face book. But you can always feel free to call us on the telephone.
Laura Summer 518 672 7302, Nathaniel Williams 518 672 4090

Schedules are on our website:

Our gratitude and heart felt wishes to you, Laura and Nathaniel

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